North America
North America
The HUD LEAN establishes national standards for approved lenders to prepare, process, and submit loan applications for FHA/HUD mortgage insurance.
LEAN (or simply Lean) is not an acronym, but a method of processing HUD 232 applications. According to HUD, the HUD 232 LEAN process, “employs standardized work products and processes to obtain a consistent, timely result.” Some of the main Lean changes over the previous methodology are:
Standardized checklists, certifications, statements of work for third-party work, and lender templates for the application package.
Standardized punch-lists used by HUD staff in underwriting.
The removal of duplicate and unnecessary portions of the application process and requirements. For example, closing-related documents submitted with the Firm
Application don’t need to be submitted later in the process as well.
Revised third-party appraisal requirements. Lean appraisals are market appraisals eliminating the need to use HUD forms.
No proprietary earnings carve out.
BV HUD LEAN assessments & reports: